A Phonograph for the propaganda…

... of the "Masters of red terror in Russia" - a picture taken from French newspaper L'Excelsior dated June 5th, 1920. Source: http://c.bnf.fr/gAM I found it with GallicaPix, a new tool that uses artificial intelligence and Optical Character Recognition to find pictures in the digitized collections of Gallica. http://c.bnf.fr/gxS [IN FRENCH]

Recording Navajo Indians on wax cylinders (1913)

Canadian American composer, singer and music professor Geoffrey O'Hara (1882-1967) recording Navajo Indians on wax cylinders. Illustrations taken from French newspaper Le Petit Journal dated May 25th, 1913. Source: Gallica. The recordings can be heard on the website of Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Yale University). 

Along the boulevard des Italiens in Paris

In Belle Epoque Paris, the showrooms of the main talking machines brands (Gramophone, Pathé, Columbia, Odeon, APGA) were located boulevard des Italiens. Here is a 1899 drawing of Pathé Salon du Phonographe (1899-1913) located at number 26. See the Salon du Phonographe in Disquaires de Paris. Source: Bulletin phonographique et cinématographique, november 1899 - Gallica. … Continue reading Along the boulevard des Italiens in Paris

Talking robots in a French short story from 1885

Here is a very short text by Coquelin cadet I found among the new documents published on the digital library Gallica today morning. It is signed under the pseudonym "Pirouette" and is taken from "Le Livre des convalescents" published in 1885. Coquelin writes about talking mannequins featuring a phonograph that could be placed inside the trains. … Continue reading Talking robots in a French short story from 1885

Ngọc Bảo – Cô Tú, a Vietnamese 78rpm

Finding Vietnamese 78rpm records is not that easy, even though a lot of them were pressed here in France during the colonial period, when Vietnam was still part of French Indochina. This one comes from a lot I bought from another collector in Paris. Thanks to Haji Maji and Excavated Shellac blogs, I was already familiar with … Continue reading Ngọc Bảo – Cô Tú, a Vietnamese 78rpm

Oea-Oea, an Exotica track by Dick Elgg and his Tahitians on 78 rpm record

This blog has been inactive for a few months... Well, I have often lacked time to post something, or was sometimes just too lazy and prefered listening to my records rather than writing about them. I'm back now and will try to be more dilligent ! As the weather is getting cold here in Paris, … Continue reading Oea-Oea, an Exotica track by Dick Elgg and his Tahitians on 78 rpm record